2FA: Where can it be used?

Two factor authentication is really important these days. Data breaches exposed 36 billion records in the first half of 2020. Moreover, 68% of business leaders feel their cybersecurity risks are increasing. Now that everything is online, cybersecurity risks are increased even more. 2FA is really important in these cases.
Log in forms
When you log in to your account, a PIN code is sent to the user after successfully entering the username and password. This PIN code is sent to the number you have entered during the 2FA activation process. Once the user enters the sent PIN code, it shows that the real owner is trying to log in. After that, the user can have access to the account.
Phone number confirmation
When you enter a phone number during user registration, a pin is sent to the phone number. This makes sure that the phone number entered is the correct number and not some fake number. The user gets this PIN on the given phone number, by entering the PIN, you can successfully get registered. This way, the application or webpage confirms the phone number.
Account setting update
This is something everyone will relate to. Nobody wants to go with the struggle of entering the password every time they want to log in to the account. Instead, they use the ‘remember me ‘ option. This can be hassle-free but if we think of worst-case scenarios, what if your computer ended up in the wrong hands? It will be really easy for the hacker to get access to your account in no time. This is where the 2FA comes in. If the hacker changes the original email, it won’t change unless he has also stolen your phone. In this case, you’ll get the PIN code text and you can quickly regain access to your account.
Transaction Update
When you do any financial transactions online, a PIN code is sent to your number in order to verify the user. Most of the banks use the 2FA services to provide a secure environment to its client. Hence, 2FA makes sure that there’s nothing wrong with the account and transaction. It helps protect the account and decreases the risk of account hijacking.