Bulk SMS Service for Courier and Logistics Company
Bulk SMS services acts as a great marketing tool for logistics and courier companies. Nowadays people are spending much time on mobile phones Bulk SMS services help in promoting and advertising the brand. Many logistics and courier companies have already replaced emails, calls with SMS services. SMS Gateway API also helps customers to check their order status, real-time notifications regarding the product delivery, etc. As Bulk SMS services are cost-effective and cheaper when compared to other communications, most of the companies prefer SMS as an effective mode of communication to send important updates to their customers. The Courier Industry has a huge potential for growth and in the coming years. E-commerce is the driving force behind the expansion and revolution of the Logistics sector.
Advancements in technology, changing infrastructure, increasing trend towards online shopping are some of the major factors contributing towards the rising demand of Courier Services. Like any other business, Courier industry also needs an efficient communication channel for conveying order updates, delivery status, tracking consignment whereabouts, and sending alerts. Traditional communication channels are not preferred for Courier and Logistics Companies as this industry needs a tool that can disseminate urgent information in just a fraction of seconds. Bulk SMS Service for Courier Industry is a widely used tool as it has the ability to convey important updates in the fastest possible way. In this article, we are going to explore the ways in which a logistics company can utilize SMS Service.

1. Send order updates:
SMS is the best medium to send order updates, delivery notifications, and tracking details in the quickest possible manner. Being the fastest channel for transmitting important notifications, Bulk SMS Service is an ideal tool for conveying consignment details in just a fraction of seconds. As the courier service industry has to provide time-bound delivery services, it requires a tool that can reach the target audience instantly. The biggest advantage of implementing SMS Service is that it enables a business to reach the clients directly and transfer order updates in real time.
Example: Dear Customer, Your AWB no. 26441 has been delivered. Thank you for choosing Platinum Courier Service.

2. Send payment reminders and invoices:
Collecting your pending dues is now easy and effortless. SMS Service enables you to send payment updates, billing, and invoice details in just a click of a button. SMS has replaced the traditional communication tools and has become the first choice among the courier companies for sending payment reminders. Using the Bulk SMS Service of Fast2SMS, you can even attach files such as pdf, jpg, doc, csv for sending invoice and other billing details. This way, Bulk SMS makes the payment collection an easy and hassle-free process.
Example: Dear Customer, Our records show that you owe GHA. 50.00. Kindly make the payment at the earliest. Classic Couriers Pvt Ltd.

3. Advertise your courier service:
Marketing is the backbone of every business and no business can prosper without an efficient marketing strategy. In today’s turbulent market, traditional marketing methods have become obsolete and are no longer relevant. Bulk SMS Marketing can be used to increase brand awareness and advertise your courier business in a cost-effective manner. Using Bulk SMS, you can send offers, deals and discounts to your clients and establish a direct connection with them. SMS Marketing has become a popular promotional tool and is widely used in the courier industry.
Example: Dear Customer, Take the services of ‘The Courier King’ and get special gift coupon worth GHS. 10.00. Hurry up. Offer expires soon. Call us at 233241234567 to know the details.

4. Manage your warehouse:
Managing warehouse is a tedious task. In order to coordinate with the warehouse staff and convey timely updates, large number of logistics companies prefer Bulk SMS Service. As SMS doesn’t require an internet connection to view and is compatible with every mobile device, it works best for managing communications in the warehouse. SMS is an ideal tool for quick and urgent communication related to inventory shortages or back-order deliveries. In case of emergencies like system failure, order delays, where the update needs to be conveyed to the entire warehouse staff, SMS serves as the most appropriate tool.
Example: Dear Staff Members, Please process the delivery of the consignment no 39912872 at the earliest.

5. Communicate with the staff:
Bulk SMS works as the perfect channel for streamlining the internal communication and helps in conducting the business activities smoothly. Since mobile is our primary communication tool and is kept within the arm’s reach 24/7, the information gets delivered at the right moment. Also, Bulk SMS Service enables you to reach thousands of people at the same time thereby providing a wider coverage. Therefore, it is the most viable tool to notify the team members regarding sudden changes, emergencies, alerts and other crucial details.
Example: Dear Team, This is to inform you all that the meeting with the Logistics Manager will be held today at 5 PM. All are requested to attend. You can get started with bulk marketing using USMS-GH platform today.