Catchy Christmas Marketing Catchphrases to add to your bulk SMS marketing 2021

Making a great Christmas SMS marketing holiday campaign is very crucial in the attainment of your end of year sales goals. A brilliant and cheerful catchphrase that represents the season is precisely the thing to different you from the competition. Here is an excellent list of some Christmas SMS marketing phrases.

How to install
1. All hearts come home at Christmas.
2. All I want for Christmas is true love.
3. Are you thinking about Christmas shopping yet?
4. Christmas is fun with people like you!
5. Christmas is the day that holds all time together.
6. Christmas is not a season. It is a feeling.
7. Come get ready for Christmas.
8. from Our Store to Your Home.
9. HO! HO! HO! Let us fill your holidays with fun and goodness.
10. I am dreaming of a white Christmas.
11. Indulge yourself in joy.
12. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
13. It is the season of giving!
14. It is the most wonderful time of the year.
15. Jolly holly-days to you and yours!
16. Our out of control Christmas sale!
17. Our Sales bells are jingling!
18. Peace and joy sold here.
19. Peace, Love, and Harmony sold here!
20. Sugar and spice make Christmas nice!
21. There has been only one Christmas–the rest are anniversaries.
22. We have everything they want! 23. We are Dreaming of a Perfect Christmas!
24. We are so in the mood for Christmas.
Pursuing customers directly with bulk SMS messages will allow you to effectively take advantage of the massively increased Christmas holiday season spending and get you on the right pathway for a successful new year. Bulk SMS marketing gives a massive 98 per cent open rate with close to 90 per cent of messages opened within three minutes. Data available confirms that bulk SMS marketing can be as great as eight times more efficient at winning customers. For more information on how your business can profit from bulk SMS marketing this Christmas and New Year holiday period, contact support. You can register for free to get started with your Christmas marketing campaign. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more.