We are a world renowned Bulk SMS Gateway service provider with our own proprietary, state of the art SMSC platform with SMPP - HTTP API connectivity. We provide wholesale SMS global coverage and we are directly connected to 300+ mobile operators and one-hop connected to 700+ mobile operators. Being a licensed telecommunications service provider in Ghana with its own direct ss7 capabilities, usms-gh is the ideal partner for local and international telecom companies and Bulk SMS aggregators that demand high quality wholesale SMS service.

Send Instant OTPs, Alerts & Smarter Bulk SMS gateway Offers via Web Portal, APIs, sending OTPs and other business-critical messages via our bulk SMS gateway. Utilizing the largest cloud data centers, spanning across the globe, Usms-gh provides Bulk SMS gateway services to 200+ SMS aggregators and SMS Hubs. Reliable low cost bulk SMS gateway to power your SMS Marketing Campaigns. Easily integrate our SMS into your existing products and business workflows
Enjoy sending bulk SMS gateway messages for affordable prices from all our solutions and products. With our bulk SMS gateway, you pay only for SMS messages you send. Bulk SMS Gateway is the best Bulk SMS Provider in Ghana and across Africa offering bulk sms services at best prices with reliable Gateways and APIs The Nº1 platform for sending Bulk SMSs & Voice SMS to multiple phone numbers. usmsgh has plans, from free to paid, that scale with your needs. SMS Delivery Report. SMS Delivery in Seconds. Super Easy to Use. Voice SMS Available. Services: Bulk SMS, Email Marketing
Professional international marketing SMS service provider supports global operator channel. Usms-gh SMS provider, ultra-low recharge, pay as you go, timely response, 24/7. Self Developed Platform. 14 Years Experience. Licensed Operator. 24/7 Support. Take your global SMS messaging to the next level with an industry-leading platform. Reach customers faster at scale with our intelligent routing. Highest Rated A2P Vendor. Covering 190+ Countries. 7 Billion Devices Reached. 25 Data Centers. Send Up to 50000 SMS per Second. Contact Us Now and Let Us Get This Service Helping You. The most Affordable and Reliable Bulk SMS Gateway Platform in Ghana. SMS Delivery Guaranteed! Message Templates. Birthday Messaging. Manage Client Projects