Bulk SMS Worldwide
Bulk SMS Worldwide

Send your Text Message to anyone worldwide for FREE with our International SMS Messaging Service. Send FREE SMS instantly with our incredibly fast SMS Service. The world best and fastest text messaging service online! Get your Bulk SMS messages across the world with Usmsgh.com. Use any or all of our Bulk SMS Worldwide Messaging Solutions whenever you need to. Using our platform, you can quickly send any short and important bulk SMS messages worldwide, or locally to Worldwide. You can easily send transactional messages like one-time passcodes and SMS alerts, or promotional messages from your CRM system or sales desk. Look at our case studies to see how our customers are using our bulk SMS gateway.

Bulk SMS: Tips for successful bulk SMS marketing || USMS-GH

Bulk SMS API is a high-quality SMS platform, enabling you to integrate any of your applications with our SMS message sending and receiving system. The main advantage of our system is its simplicity of implementation. The SMS message may have your company name or any phone number you own as sender name. Every message sent from our system has its own unique id, which allows you to receive confirmation of its delivery. Our Platinum Partner Operator status guarantees the highest quality text service at up to 8,000 messages a second. What’s more, our Bulk SMS API can personalize messages, receive delivery receipts, schedule messages and pull results from mobile forms and surveys into your app. Our SMS gateway can also handle tickets, enabling you to send individual vouchers or tickets. Try sending a message using our Bulk SMS API today.At usmsgh, we are dedicated to helping you get the most from your SMS marketing activity. We understand the importance of achieving your goals and can advise on the best practices to maximize the potential of your mobile marketing campaigns, in addition to providing a comprehensive marketing toolkit on usmsgh platform. We help businesses use mobile marketing effectively, whether it is to build prospective customer database, to generate leads with effective campaigns, to convert them with special offers or to retain existing customers through loyalty points and timely feedback process. The results you achieve are often based on what you learn from previous campaigns and big data. And that’s why we recommend you to conduct campaigns that can be easily tracked and give you granular analytics. It is imperative that you use this data to make key decisions, gain valuable insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness and continuously optimize your mobile marketing campaigns to achieve the best results. Take a look below at our top tips to increase the performance of your next mobile marketing campaign…

1. Include a clear call to action
Ensure that the reason for the SMS is made clear. You want the recipient to act on your SMS, so tell them what they need to do to benefit from the information they have been sent.
Make sure you measure how effective your bulk SMS marketing campaign has been so you can improve it further next time. How many responses did you get? What was your return on investment? Try texting different offers, at various times of the day, days of the week, or target different groups of customers, to find which works best for you. Usmsgh provides granular click through metrics for webpages, files, and coupons attached with your SMS campaigns.
3. Know your audience
Make sure that the recipient is going to be interested in what you have to offer. It’s likely that each offer or message will need to be tailored to individual customer groups. Age, gender, location and past purchases should all be taken into account when you send out your messages. For example you wouldn’t offer free lipstick to men, because it’s likely the response rate would be next to zero and some of your customers may choose to unsubscribe as a result. Paying attention to a customer’s purchase history and collecting her demographic data will help target effectively. When working with bulk SMS marketing, just as with anything, the details are all important. In order to get the most out of your bulk SMS, you have to make sure that you include certain elements. So let’s look through a list of tips, tricks, and details that will help you get the most out of your SMS marketing.
4. Use analytics to keep refining your SMS marketing campaign
The key here is to keep doing it. Your analytics will tell you how people have responded to your SMS campaign so far, so you can try to watch the trends and adjust your SMS marketing campaign to match. Analytics may seem a bit techy, but there’s really no way around it if you want your marketing to be effective. They’re basically a measure of how well your messages are being received. What kind of ROI are you getting? How many responses? Test different times of the day and days of the week, as well as different subgroups of your demographic. This feedback generates valuable insights into campaign effectiveness and customer behavior. Keep watching these results, and adapt your SMS marketing to fit.
5. Short and Sweet!
Very few people want to spend more than a minute looking at a message. The goal in bulk text messaging is to figure out what you want to say in 160 characters or less. Get clear on what you really want to say. Get to the point straightaway and show the customer how great what you offer is for them. With as few words as possible.

What is Bulk WhatsApp Messages?
Bulk WhatsApp Messages is a digital channel which enables mass communication allowing marketers to reach out to their customers directly to their mobile device. A text message is crafted in an SMS software and is sent out to a database of mobile numbers.
Benefits of Bulk WhatsApp Messages
Take your business to the next level by taking advantage of the benefits offered by the bulk WhatsApp message sender applications. Social media platforms are the prime medium for communication these days and to stay ahead of the competition, it is important to make use of such tools. Here are the prime benefits of using WhatsApp sender software:
- Customer Engagement Customer engagement gets enhanced and improved as the application makes it possible to reach a wide base of people.
- Brand Positioning You improve your customer base, which means you also improve the position of your brand in the market as now your product is more visible.
- CRM Management Managing customer relations for making your brand more customer friendly is important to improving sales.
- Team Building Use the platform for creating a strong team that is engaging, interactive and always coming up with new ideas.
- Tracking Location Share the location of your business to let customers/clients reach the destination in a hassle-free manner. The easier it is for the customers to reach you, the better would be the business potential.
- Analytics Analytics is critical to understanding whether or not a particular message has been read by a client or customer.
- Send Catalog / Brochures / eBooks Bulk WhatsApp message helps send to customers details about promotional events, fliers, activities and brochures with ease.
Using unethical WhatsApp marketing tools such as bulk WhatsApp message apks can be tricky as they might result in blacklisting your number.
However, if you use any of usms-gh WhatsApp marketing software, you can reach out to your consumers with the right marketing message.
Christmas SMS for family and Friends 2021- Pt. 2 | USMS-GH
Christmas SMS for family and Friends 2021- Pt. 2
We had some awesome Christmas SMS from our previous post. As mentioned, Christmas SMS for the holidays can be a refreshing change for the recipient that can increase their happiness if they might be feeling stressed out. Here are some more to spice up your Christmas.
- Friends make the holiday season fun and festive. I can’t wait to party and deck the halls with you this Christmas.
- As you celebrate this miraculous occasion called Christmas, I would like you to know that you are an exemplary friend and that I feel extremely lucky to have you in my life. Merry Christmas.
- No matter the amount of gifts I get this Christmas, your friendship is the greatest one of them all. Merry Christmas my dear friend.
- ‘Tis the season to wish one another joy and love and peace. These are my wishes for you, Merry Christmas dear friend, may you feel the love this special day.
- May you feel all the love and joy I have for you throughout this holiday season and all year round. Having you as my friend brings me great joy.
- My dearest friend, there may be plenty of miles separating us. But truth is, in spirit, you are right here next to me besides that Christmas tree with the rest of the gifts. Because you truly are a gift to my life. Merry Christmas.
- Spending this season with the people you care for makes it even more special. We are glad we get to spend it with you!
- Spending the holidays with people you care about, is what makes them so amazing. Thus, spending my holidays with you will be the best experienced I’ve ever had! Merry Christmas!
- We hope all of your dreams and wishes come true this holiday season and that you see the same results throughout the coming new year.
- This is the time of year to take a step back from the stresses of life and enjoy the little things. We hope you enjoy them with loved ones.
Register now to get started with awesome Christmas SMS.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @usmsgh for more.
Christmas SMS Wishes for Friends Long Distance
Christmas SMS Wishes for Friends Long Distance
In times like this, where there are restrictions on travels, friends who live afar can also be made to feel loved. Send Christmas SMS to them. let them know you are still thinking of them.
- To my friends who are far away, I love you all and hope you have a splendid Christmas this season. Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas! There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart. Missing you this Christmas!
- It has been many years since you have been far away. The holy festival reminds me of you, and it aches my heart that you are not here. Sending my warm wishes through this message.
- Merry Christmas, friend! Even if you are away from home, our abundant love is on its way to your heart!
- I miss you more in this colourful festival. I cannot stop thinking about you. I feel so sorry that we are so far apart. I hope you have an amazing Christmas. Merry Christmas, friend.
- Buddy, you might be miles away, but I am thinking of you over my Christmas drinks! Merry Christmas!
- Friend, I have sent the best gifts and hugs your way, so keep an eye on your chimney! Merry Christmas!
- Though you are far, you are always close to my heart. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas blessed with happiness and success.
- You are very far from me my friend, but I am thinking of you this Christmas. Sending your way warm wishes and love through this text. Merry Christmas.
- No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
- Friend, I have always considered you as a part of my family. So I especially miss you on a delightful occasion like Christmas! Merry Christmas to you!
- Christmases without you are just not fun enough! Dear friend, I hope this Christmas rekindles the pleasant memories of home in your heart and keeps you warm!
Register now to get started with awesome Christmas SMS.
eCommerce: Benefits of SMS API for eCommerce | USMS-GH
Benefits of text API for eCommerce

Texting is omnipresent and has a wide reach. Therefore, you can target a large audience through texts. What makes texting authentic is that it’s personal and direct. As an e-store owner, you can make the most from e-commerce texting. It’s worth the hype as you can learn its benefits and use cases down here:

Payment information texts
When your customer uses their cards to shop online, they deserve a confirmation. Ecommerce texting allows you to send these updates as soon as you receive the payment. This helps the customer keep a record of their payments along with their order number.
If you ever shopped online then you know the excitement and anxiety of receiving the order. The only thing that makes it bearable is the updates that you get. Ecommerce stores can set up an API to send delivery updates. These can be on the day of the delivery so that they are ready to receive the order. Moreover, if there is a delay, send an update on that too. This allows customers to be mentally prepared. Updates fall under customer satisfaction and eventually – retention.
Flash sales/ Time-sensitive offers
As a marketer, you probably know that flash sale and time-limited offers are game-changer. They create a sense of urgency that results in fear of missing out which leads to impulse buying. These offers from favorite brands on favorite products are crazy enticing. You can send coupons and flash sales text to drive enormous sales. Since texts are a powerful engaging tool, they lure customers to your brand. This results in long-lasting customer loyalty.
Promotional texts
You can send promotional texts by using an integrated API. For instance: you can inform customers about new products at your e-shop. Moreover, you can offer them discounts on their purchases. Since text messages are direct and instant, you can receive almost instant ROIs. Moreover, if you use a service like USMS-GH, you can also send out MMS promotions. Another way to go about it is to add the link to your e-store in the message. This way, your audience can make direct purchases.
Customer satisfaction
Customers’ feedback is an integral part of any marketing strategy. Text API offers two-way messaging that helps you take feedback from the customers. Furthermore, you can send surveys and polls to the customer about best-selling products. This way you’ll learn about their opinion and it also has a positive impact. Begin eCommerce texting with USMS-GH. If you haven’t already integrated API to your e-store, it’s time to consider it now. Learn how to register for free and get started. Boost your e-store with enormous sales via eCommerce texting API. Integrate now with USMS-GH and see the wonders of it. USMS-GH gives you a reliable API service to send out messages instantly. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more. Find video tutorials on our YouTube Page: Urhitech Enterprise. For further assistance, feel free to contact support.

SMS API (Texting API) for Beginners pt 2 | USMS-GH
SMS API (Texting API) for Beginners pt 2

In our previous post, we discussed what an SMS API is. In this post, we will further elaborate on APIs and how they can be used. The end-user only sees one interface. Behind the scenes, many APIs are working together and integrating with SMS solutions to provide a seamless and unmatched experience.
Key Features
Why use Our Bulk SMS “SMS API”.
USMS-GH Bulk SMS-enable your website, application or customer relationship management platform with our SMS API. USMS-GH SMS API offer comprehensive documentation. Our API supports Unicode and long messages. Allows for multiple webhooks to create and customize any workflow.
We offer a reliable service through our direct relationships with local and global aggregators and networks.
Easy Integration.
Our use of easy integrate API makes implementing your Bulk SMS integration easy.
Get Started
USMS-GH API is available for free. Create and account and get started. You can contact support for further assistance. Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. Find video tutorials on our YouTube Channel, Urhitech Enterprise

Bulk SMS Marketing Best Practices || USMS-GH
Bulk SMS Marketing Best Practices
Offer promotions based on special events
Bulk SMS marketing is an extremely powerful tool for communicating to your audience and reaching large amounts of people. It's important, however, that you follow specific guidelines when using a mass texting service as the laws are quite different from other forms of marketing and communication. Here are some few guidelines to help you in your SMS marketing journey.

1. Get Permission
You must have permission from people before sending them text messages. If you don't have their explicit consent, not only will you be breaking laws and possibly be subject to legal penalties, it will also cause you to look spammy, create a bad name for your organization, and annoy your audience. So what is permission? How do you get it? If your subscribers are opting in by texting to join, then you already have it. If you are manually uploading a list or adding your contacts one by one, you'll need written consent. This may be the most important best practice for any SMS marketing program.
2. Be Clear About Your Program
People should know exactly what they're signing up for when subscribing to your text marketing list. The intent of your program should be clear to everyone and set their expectations about what they will be receiving in the future. This doesn't mean you need to provide a long, drawn out explanation of what your program is all about. You just need to ensure people know what to expect. This can easily be done in your opt-in language both where you're advertising your text program and in the auto-response subscribers receives after they first join.
3. Pay Attention to Frequency of your SMS
Don't send too often. Nobody wants to receive an excessive amount of text messages from your business or organization. We recommend no more than 2 – 6 SMS per month in most cases. Any more may annoy your subscribers. You also must make sure they know how often you'll be texting them. This is important! Be crystal clear about how many text messages they can expect to receive on a monthly basis. An example would be adding this to the initial auto reply of your text marketing program: "Receive up to 4 msgs/ month".
4. Include Disclaimers
The CTIA is an international nonprofit trade association that represents the wireless communications industry. They provide us with many of the best practices used in text marketing and also govern all short code SMS messaging. They require you to include things like "Message and data rates may apply" in your initial opt-in language. Because these disclaimers are so important, our SMS marketing service adds them automatically in the required places so you don't have to worry about it. Note that your subscribers will only see this once! Only when they first join your list—not every time you send a mass text message.
5. Provide an Exit from your bulk sms campaign
Your subscribers need to know that they can opt out of your text messaging program at any time. This is another thing that our SMS marketing service does for you by default in your auto replies. When someone signs up for your text messaging list, in addition to "Msg & Data rates may apply", we also add "txt STOP to cancel" to the end of your auto reply. Again, this is included ONLY in your auto reply. They will not see this in every text you send out. It is good practice however, to occasionally include those instructions in your text blasts to remind people of how to opt out if they'd like.
6. Text During Normal Hours
You should only send text messages during normal / expected hours. Be courteous to your subscribers. They won't enjoy waking up to your text messages in the middle of the night. Also, as a business, think about how counterproductive it is to message them outside of your optimal hours. One of the many benefits of text marketing is to inspire immediate action from your subscribers. It's unlikely that anyone will take action in the middle of the night.
7. Use Common Language
Use SMS shorthand sparingly, if at all. While many text abbreviations are widely understood by people today, not everyone will get what you're trying to say. Additionally, it can look quite unprofessional depending on your target audience. If you absolutely need to save characters by shortening some of your words, start with the most common text abbreviations and try to keep them to a minimum.
8. Bulk SMS content should Provide Value
Make sure that every text message you send is one of value! If people are willing to give you explicit permission to text them, you should be giving them something worthwhile in return. Also, if your text program is used for marketing, make sure to keep your messages fresh and exciting. They should feel like a VIP. If you're not giving your subscribers something of value each time you send a group text, chances are, it's not worth it for them and they'll unsubscribe.
Contact support for further assistance.
How to Send Bulk SMS with custom Sender ID
The SMS sender ID is the text display name that you see at the top of your phone’s screen and is used to identify who sent the message. The SMS sender ID is simply who a text message is from. It’s also known as the originator or sometimes the sent address.
USMS-GH allows you to send SMS to your customers with your business ID (which is usually 11 characters long). Sender IDs increases the probability of engagements from the recipients.
Using the Sender ID
- Login to the client portal of USMS-GH

Your dashboard should appear as below;

- Click on the "Sending" Button

- Click on "Request for New One" button.

- Type in your sender ID (11 characters maximum) and click n send.

- Wait for Sender ID to be approved.

Once Sender ID is approved, you can start sending your messages.
For further support, use our live chat feature or contact us.

Why SMS marketing is important to growing your small business
SMS marketing for small businesses
Growing a small business used to take hours of time and effort, with marketing strategies that became convoluted and complex. While all of this might seem necessary, adopting a simpler outlook could prove to be more effective. An SMS marketing campaign is an important method to use to help your business grow, as we live in a world that is steadily moving toward becoming more digitally focused.

Personalization builds brand loyalty
The best small business advice to follow if you want to grow your brand is to grab the interest of your customers. This means that you need to offer them content that is tailored to their wants and needs. However, sending out irrelevant and unhelpful content for the sake of sending out content is not a sound marketing strategy.
Small business owners can use the personalization capabilities of SMS marketing and send out tailored messages about promotions, sales and even messages on a customer’s birthday. With successful SMS marketing, personalization is vital. Firing out generic, sales-oriented SMS messages decreases customer engagement and is ineffective at increasing return customers.

Strong customer relationships provide a strong foundation
Any small business owner knows that having strong customer relationships in your early days of starting out can help to build a business to new heights. With SMS marketing, you are consistently reaching out and making contact with your customers, and ensuring that their customer experience is positive and ongoing.
Customers love being treated like VIPs, which makes an SMS campaign an effective way to build customer relationships. You can send out personalized messages to your customers at just the right moment to show that you care about their experiences by rewarding them with exclusive offers. This paves the way towards strong customer relationships which will ultimately lead to business success.
SMS marketing is easy to track
Return on investment (ROI) is what marketing is all about. If a campaign is difficult to track and analyze, it won’t be very useful to a company, especially a small business. Fortunately, SMS marketing is easy to track, providing useful data for marketers and other departments to utilize effectively.
With an SMS marketing campaign, users either click on provided links or they do not, and it is this simplicity that allows a business to track how well their campaign is doing. Being able to understand the click-through-rate (CTR) of a campaign can help marketers to develop a better campaign and it offers valuable data to use in the development of future outreach efforts.
Increase customer awareness
If you’re a relatively new small business, following the small business advice of ‘grabbing attention’ can be difficult. However, using SMS marketing can help by significantly increasing customer awareness. There is no better channel than SMS to send targeted, relevant messages to clients about your growing brand.
It’s an effective tool to use during peak retail seasons too, such as the holiday season and when you have a sale or discount at your store. If you offer your customers tailored offers during peak seasons, you’ll be able to watch your sales grow by leaps and bounds. Customer awareness is vital for small businesses, so instead of printing out hundreds of flyers to hand out at your store, invest in SMS marketing to get your message across.
Best practices for SMS marketing
If you want to employ SMS marketing as part of your marketing strategy, ensure that you’re following these best practices for an effective campaign.
Timing is everything: Because SMS is immediate, the time which you send your messages out is vital to the success of your campaign. Remember that the customer will likely open these messages within five seconds of receiving them, so it is best to send SMS messages when you think a customer will make a decision. A coffee shop might send out promotional messages at ten in the morning when people are in need of their second cup of coffee, and a plumber could send out reminders for appointments an hour in advance, for example.
Keep it short and sweet: Keep your messages short and to the point. Consumers don’t want to have to read through a wall of text to find out about a promotion – they want to know everything upfront, and in twenty words or less. Keep your SMS marketing messages punchy and informative to increase customer engagement.
Calls to action are vital: Sending out a short, relevant SMS marketing message is a great practice but it’s futile if the customer doesn’t know what to do with your information. This is why a good call to action or CTA in every message you send is vital. You can include a link to a website or campaign page at the end of your message, or a word or phrase to send to a number to receive a promotional code. Whatever you choose, ensure you always add a CTA to your SMS messages.